Exclusive: Interview with Ollie Lang

ProPaintball is proud to present our exclusive interview with world champion paintball star Ollie Lang. Read on for an inside look at one of paintball's most celebrated players and insight on the race back to the top with San Diego Dynasty.

DLX Luxe Paintball Gun Review

Teams across Southern California have been worked into a frenzy as they rush to sell off their paintball guns and upgrade to new Luxe markers. We recently had the opportunity

NPPL Interview: Part 2 of 2

Today we are proud to present the second part of our NPPL interview with board members and pro paintball players Frank Connell, Alex Fraige, Rich Telford, Bart Yacimec and Chuck

Pro Paintball Player Stats

Paintball Access has unveiled the 2012 Overall Season Rankings based on data compiled from the Galveston and Phoenix events. Leading the series is Jacob Edwards of Tampa Bay Damage. Jacob

RIP Matt Dawson

It is with heavy heart that we share the passing of our dear friend and compatriot Matt Dawson. Matt D was a hero to many and a legend to all.

New Paintball tips for Xball by Greg Pauley, VICIOUS

Greg Pauley of pro paintball team Omaha Vicious sits down with eTV to share a few tips for xball teams. Watch as Greg explains a series of paintball "do's and don'ts", and learn how to maximize your paintball playing experience both on and off the field.