Trevor Resar is this weeks Pro Paintball player of the week. Trevor is an extremely dedicated player scarfing a lot and driving hours just to get to practice. When Trevor is not of the field he is repossessing cars for real money; or is out of the snowboarding or wakeboarding.

Name: Trevor Resar

Age: 19

1. What was your first paintball experience and who introduced you to the game?

Like almost everyone, my first time to play was at a friends birthday.

2. What team do you play for now?

San Antonio X-Factor

3. What teams have you played for in the past?

Yakuza Kids, Tulsa Cruel, and Texas Storm

4. You went from D2 to pro, what’s the biggest difference?

The pace that the game is played at, as well as the time you have to make decisions. When something changes on the field, you have just a 1/2 second to react.

5. Who helped you become the player you are?

Mike Chitwood, John Hubbard, Ryan Gray (all of which have been associated with Texas Storm), and Randall Barnes

6. Who are your favorite paintball players?

I really enjoy watching Glen Takamoto and Jason Barrett play.

7. What’s your best paintball experience or memory?

Winning the USPL West Coast Open in Corona.

8. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done in order to play paintball?

I missed every one of my school Proms, and I drive 7 1/2 hours to practice, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

9. What is the single most important lesson the up and comer needs to learn?

To take every practice as a learning experience and make it a point to leave the field a little better each time.

10. What makes Texas/OK unique in the world of competitive paintball?

The southern region of the United States definitely has its own style of paintball, different from anywhere in the country. It’s a very fast paced, in your face kind of style that makes us unique.

11. Do you (or any of your teammates) have any superstitions related to playing paintball?

The only one that I have is, I always have this one headband that I wear when I play, and I don’t let it touch the ground. At the end of the day, it’s the first thing to go into my gear bag.

Thanks so much for Grayson Goff for putting the interview together.

Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson

Name Brad, Paintball is my life. I have been involved with paintball for over 13 year for fun and work. Have worked for Empire, Angel, Face-Full, PRO Paintball.