Welcome to www.propaintball.com. We believe in transparency on the web and so we’re disclosing that we’ve included certain products and links on this site that we will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make. Our goal with this website is to help educate you on the possibilities that exist within the paintball arena, but please understand we’re doing this as a for-profit business.
What is an Affiliate Program?
Sometimes, the links you click on will led you to products or services are affiliate links, that we will receive compensation from.
However, there are millions of products and services on the web related to paintball. We only promote those products or services that we have investigated and truly feel deliver value to you.
Our priority is adding value to you, our audience, and we only endorse products or services that we believe will give you value as well.
Please note that we have not been given any free products, services, or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.
Prices are exactly the same for readers whether they purchase the product through an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link. Clicking an affiliate link and clicking a non-affiliate link does not change the price or anything else for the visitor.
Amazon Affiliate
ProPaintball.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc or its affiliates.